Các lựa chọn nơi ở
The Community College Program offers unique housing options to accommodate any international student’s needs or preferences while studying in the USA.
Dormitory Style Residential Halls
For international students who prefer an independent lifestyle and classic American college campus environment, Community College on-campus dormitory style residential accommodation is the ideal choice. The living environment is safe and fun, designed to offer a unique mix of academic and social opportunities to encourage interpersonal connections. Community College campus housing offers an additional venue for international students to meet American students and their peers from around the world, as roommates and neighbors interact with one another through casual discussions or organized events.
Campus housing is often located very close to both campus and local public transportation, allowing students to walk, bike, or take a bus to most destinations.
Many Community College campus residences feature community or shared kitchens, semi-private bathrooms, computer and TV rooms, and student meeting spaces.
Host Family Placements
International students who want a more family-oriented environment while studying at Community College may choose to stay with an American host family. At Educatius International we work together with our trusted partner schools to match every student with a suitable host family.
All families are selected carefully and screened by the Educatius International team or our trusted school partners. We look for families that are practically located for the student to get to school and that have the space needed for hosting a student. We look for families that want to host a student because they want to share their way of life and culture with the student at the same time as they get to learn more about the student and his/her home country. Our families come from all walks of life and may be typical mother + father + child families or single parents etc.
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- Ngày 20-9-2020, 13:49 -
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- Ngày 20-9-2020, 13:49 -
Tên người nhận xét
- Ngày 20-9-2020, 13:49